Sunday, May 16, 2010

SRJK (C) Kwang Hwa - 6M Class of 1990 20th Anniversary (1/5/2010)

It's 20th anniversary!!!
Gosh, time flies!!
We left our primary school for 20 years already.
1st May 2010, we were having our 20th Anniversary Gathering.
The organizer sets 1st May will be our gathering date every year.
So that people will have less excuses to be absent for the gathering (1st May - Labour Day).
We went back to our primary school to have a walk and refresh our lovely childhood stories in the school.
Our school has changed a lot.
There are 2 new huge buildings.
The old classrooms, library, hall, staff rooms have been demolished.
Left only our s0-called new building during our generation (standard 5 & 6 building).
Their new pupils' life have been upgraded.
They have at least 6 fans in a classroom and even fans in their toilets. (unbelievable huh...)
Below are some photos taken on that day.

SRJK (C) Kwang Hwa Logo

Our Old School Hall (has been demolished)

Our school backyard has been changed to a nice field.
Last time was just like an abandoned land with sand only.

Another view from our school backyard.

A view of the old building (last time was our new building) from backyard.
Ground floor is the canteen.

The space for us to line up last time (in front of the canteen) has been changed to a nice garden.

A few artistic arches in the garden.

Our 6M classroom. Our tables are still in used.
But the classroom has been converted to Bilik Kemahiran.

Another pictures of our tables.
Good quality of material can last more than 20 years.

The New School Hall

The school hall consists of 3 badminton courts whereby our old hall had only 1 court.
The shuttle cocks can always hit the ceiling due to the hall was too small.

An eye sore of the school.
This classroom is in the new building but look at the cleanliness.
What a shame for the pupils do not know how to take care of the school property.
Do you notice a small white board on your left.
The board is used for jotting down what & when is submission of the homework.
Serve as a reminder purpose.
Our very very old Cocoa Tree.
She is still there with good condition.

Another view of the old building.

Look at the canteen now.
Nicely renovated with colourful benches and good lighting system.
Last time we were using broken wooden benches.
Our picture taken at the canteen.

At the 2nd floor of the old building.
That floor used to be our standard 5 classrooms.

Our classroom 6M.
Last time we had 6 classes for each standard - M (Merah), K (Kuning), H (Hijau), U (Ungu), B (Biru), J (Jingga).
Now they have another 2 more - E (Emas) & P (Perak)

Our picture taken at 6U due to 6M classroom was locked.
Our friend here was complaining the duster was badly broken and said that he'll donate 1000 duster to the school.
Most probably an empty promise. *laugh*

The wooden rostrum has been replaced by a stainless steel one.

Our picture in front of the main building.

The guys at Eastin Hotel - Swez Brasserie

6M Classmates

Only 3 ladies of 6M attended the gathering.
Hopefully next year's gathering will have more participants!

Career Blog 14/5/2010

Dear friends, I've created a blog which posts job opportunities.
Please feel free to drop by or share with your friends.
Be the follower of this blog, so that any new job opportunities you'll be posted.